

We are passionate about supporting our users and communities in all topics relevant to sharing data in the field of biomedical research and health care, as well as related bioinformatic methods. Therefore we made it our mission to provide training and learning opportunities in these areas.

Upcoming Live Training Opportunities    On Demand Training Materials


Upcoming Live Training Opportunities

Webinar: FAIR biomedical data for FAIR portals

Why are metadata important for research and data analysis? Which genomic data portals are out there and what do we need from them? How do we make our research data FAIR?

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GHGA Workshop on NGS Workflow Harmonization at the German Conference for Bioinformatics 2024

We are excited to announce that GHGA will be presenting a tutorial on NGS Workflow Harmonization at the upcoming German Conference for Bioinformatics on September 30, 2024.

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On Demand Training Materials

Sequencing Techniques and Bioinformatic Analyses

Material covering information from DNA and RNA sequencing methods to bioinformatic analyses and analysis workflows.

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Ethical and Legal Implications

Learn more about ELSI topics, e.g. consent in general, but also GHGA tools that can help you assess existing consent forms.

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FAIR and Metadata

Interested in Research Data Management? Want to learn more about research metadata? Curious about what the FAIR principles are and how to apply them in the context of biomedical research?

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Statistics for Biomedical Research

Discover material on how to design large scale biological studies and learn more about best practice in statistical analyses.

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GHGA Newsletter

To stay up to date with the developments around GHGA, news and events please sign up for our newsletter.