FAIR in (biological) practice


 This virtual hands-on workshop was co-organised together with EMBL Bio-IT and will teach the FAIR principles, what this means in practice and how they can be integrated into the daily workflow of biomedical researchers. 

Over the course of 4 (half)days, the workshop provides a mix of lectures and hands-on lessons and is aimed at (wetlab) researchers in biomedical sciences (Phd students, postdocs, technicians). It will cover the basics of Open Science and FAIR practices, and looks at how to use these core principles in your own projects. Coding experience is not needed for this course.

  • Day 1 
    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction to Open Science
    3. Being FAIR
    4. Intellectual Property, Licensing and Openness
  • Day 2
    1. Introduction to Metadata
    2. Being precise
    3. (Meta) Data in Excel
    4. Files organisation
    5. Record keeping
  • Day 3 
    1. Reusable analysis
    2. Version control
  • Day 4
    1. Data Management Plans
    2. Templates for consistency
    3. Public repositories

Recordings by Day

Day 1

Part 01 - Open Science Keynote
Part 02 - Open Science Discussion
Part 03 - Being FAIR
Part 04 - Intellectual Property

Day 2

Part 05 - Metadata
Part 06 - Being Precise
Part 07 - Metadata in Excel
Part 07 - Working with Files
Part 09 - Lab Notebooks

Day 3

Part 10 - Reusable Analysis
Part 11 - Version Control

Day 4

Part 12 - Data Management Plans
Part 13 - Templates for Consistency
Part 14 - Public Repositories